Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 in Review

 They aren't in order but here are most of the projects I completed last year. Santa's Toy Shop was a fun one to work on. I collected toys from friends, thrift stores, and dollar stores. The elves are Dollar Tree dolls rewigged and dressed. I am still hoping to find a permanent spot to display Toy Shop next to Santa's house. Here are more pictures of the toy shop.

 This little box was a gift to the teacher I worked with last school year. Even the textbooks and worksheets for grading are mini versions of the work the children really did. See this post for more photos.
 This "baby house" was made in a small cupboard I found at Salvation Army. It was painted light blue and papered inside with full size wallpaper border. I gave it a makeover inside and out. You can find more about this project here and here.

My final project of 2013 was this pink house I made for my future granddaughters.It is always fun to do a project intended for little ones. You can use brighter colors and not focus so much on being realistic. After all, most little girls I know are just as happy to have the toilet in the kitchen as in the bathroom, lol. You can follow the progress on this dollhouse here and here. (The second link is the whole month of November so there are a few posts about other things, too, but I did most of the work in November.)
My biggest project last year was the antique shop, Then Again. The stonework took forever but was so worth it. The shop is loaded with memories. Many of the items in stock were gifts from family or friends. One thing I loved about doing this shop was that anything goes. If it didn't already have a home, there was room in the shop. (That reminds me that I have some pieces upstairs that would be perfect for this. :-D ) I really need to get the back of the shop covered in plexiglass because it is still homeless and sitting on my work desk. I can't set it on the floor unless it is covered due to the four legged members of the family. ;-)  There are more photos of this project in progress here and here.

The final project from 2013 was the scene from Gone with the Wind that I completed for a Small World favorite book and/or movie challenge. I can't find the photos but here is the link to the post.

Thank you so much for following my blog and commenting on my posts. Your interest and feedback means a lot to me. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and blessed 2014!


  1. Wow, you have been a very busy girl indeed!! they all look marvelous!
    Teresa from
    sugar,spice and whatever's nice

  2. the one I like the most is the future granddaughters dollhouse build it was fun to see the photos of them play with it. Happy New Year



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