...cute anyway. Our family has had huge green stockings since my children were little. My husband and son have snowmen on theirs and the girls and I have angels. They were a lot of fun to make. Now my oldest daughter is engaged and I wanted to make a stocking for my almost son-in-law. I didn't think I could match the green so I went with red. I couldn't get to our stockings without taking all of the decorations out (Thursday night's project) so I guesstimated on size. I think I'm pretty close. I also think the future inlaws will benefit from my experience. Doug's is cuter than the other boys' stockings. Hope I don't get in trouble with them!
I bought one yard of red felt. That will make this one and one for the next son-in-law. By the time my son is bringing home a fiance, I'll need more felt but I should have a few years but since he's only 16, lol.
After cutting out and sewing the basic stocking shape, the rest is just cut out and fused on with an iron on adhesive. I used various cotton and cotton blend scraps of fabric. The "fur" on the hat is quilt batting that I glued on after everything else was in place.