Since Harriet moved out of her old kitchen and into the boarding house Wanda moved in. She's done some redecorating with batty wallpaper and a good layer of grime everywhere.

I received some very interesting swap items from my Small World friends. Gaye made everything on the table except for the crystal ball -spells on scrolls and a spell book, a candle and a skull.

The witchy cookie jar was made by Sandy Copeland. The "food" was made by Gary in New Hampshire - witches fingers, bbq bat wings and candied eyeballs on the footed tray. The wooden bowl holds rancid meat with carrots and rat tails and a boar's snout.

Brenda made the pumpkin head and the three jars of potion ingredients on the shelf over the window. Gaye made the bottle. The shelf over the chair holds a glow in the dark skeleton from Gary and an eyeball plant from Rosie. The bottle next to the cauldron was also from Rosie. The shelf on the right wall holds a beautiful witch's hat by Sandy Copeland.

Charlene made the pumpkin with the ghost and Brenda made the crate of pumpkins. Wanda's hat and her owl, Walter, were made by Sandy for last year's swap.
I made the furniture and the candlestands with candles, the wall shelves, and Wanda. The view through the window was in the October issue of American Miniaturist.