I got a large 5 drawer, 2 bin rolling tool box today for an early Mother's Day gift - it is so cool! For the first time ever, I know where all of my tools are - and they're organized. There's an open bin/shelf in the middle. Glues, pens and markers, magnifiers and paper towels are there.

One drawer is just for punches, scissors, tweezers and the other tools I use most for minis.

There's a drawer full of clamps and Dremel accessories.

A drawer for clay tools. There's a drawer for basic household tools, one just for saws and knives. Miscellaneous stuff is in the area under the lid and the large bin at the bottom holds power tools.

And the result of the tool box is a large clear area on the work table. I have more work to do but you have no idea how bad it had gotten in this room!
Not every mom would be excited about a tool box but I definitely am! :)
I have a four deep drawer unit for storage and a Bisley, multi drawer system, with 12 metal drawer all a bit bigger than A4, holds all my tools.
It looks great. I would definitely be excited about a tool chest! :)
Happy early Mom's Day!
I would be excited about this present too- in fact I've been spring cleaning and treated myself to 2 drawers for large sheets of scrapbook paper so I could see what I had on hand instead of buying more- what a difference! Looks like you are ready to create now! Be-lated Happy Mother's Day De!!
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