This is the girls' room in the 70s house. It's a mini version of the room my sister and I shared. The wallpaper was always just "good enough." It wasn't a very good match to the real wallpaper.

At JoAnn Fabrics a week or so ago I found this scrapbook paper. It's very much like the real wallpaper. Woohoo! I repapered the room today and then added some pop star posters of singers my sister and I "loved." ;) There's even a Tiger Beat magazine on the bed.

Then I started thinking about books. I had made a few of our favorites previously but there wasn't a good place to put them. I built the bookcase today and filled it with some of the books we collected - mostly preteen books but they were our favorites. I had the whole Donna Parker series, the Kim Aldrich series and most of the Nancy Drew books. My sister had the Trixie Beldon series and the Bobbsey Twins books. There's also a copy of Little Women which flips over to Little Men and a copy of The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew.

And here's the completed room. I really need to figure out how to put a full wall with a door between the rooms. The sloped roof makes that more challenging. :)
De, so cute!
Oh, and I recognise many of those books. :)
Your room looks very good, as a teenager in the 70's, I had a room much the same
What a beautiful idea! I think it's great!Greetings from Greece ( also have two sisters...your nice room gave me some ideas!! :) )
I like the bookshelf. Very clever design. :D I know how challenging sloped roofs can be. I'm working on my garage attic and trying to figure out how best to do the wallpaper. Love this little room!
The room looks great! Good find on the wallpaper/scrapbooking paper! But I love the book shelf! Especially sine there's so many of the ones you 2 read! Makes it more special when you add things like that!
Thank you, Dale! I'm glad to know someone else recognizes the books, too. Makes me feel not quite so old. ;)
Thank you, Marlene!
Thanks, Anna - I hope you do make a mini memory room. It's a lot of fun. :)
Thank you, Kathi. I used a pair of shutters from an arched window for the sides.
Thanks, Katie - It was fun to find so many book covers from back then.
Cute! Thanks for sharing.
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