Sunday, May 31, 2009
I was tagged...again. :0)
Teresa of Mini Mad Woman blog tagged me. Thank you Teresa! Please see my earlier May post "I was tagged" to see my response. Thank you to all who read my blog and comment.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
A man's suitcase this time

Friday, May 29, 2009
New plant

I decided to make a large snake plant (or mother-in-law's tongue) for the living room corner. My husband and I received a single blade start for a wedding gift nearly 27 years ago and it has grown into a monster over the years. It's broken through three pots and has flowered several times. I never knew that they produce flowers when they become root bound. Now I know! :-) Anyway, this is the second one of these I've made and I really like how it turned out.

Thursday, May 28, 2009
My first philodendron

Come on in!

Please help me welcome Susan of Susan's Mini Talk and Teresa! Teresa's blog is She has a lot of beautiful eye candy.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A new rug for the kitchen
I found the perfect rug for the kitchen. It has all of the fruits on the border and the pineapple to match Katie's dishes. I printed the rug onto T-shirt transfer paper and ironed it onto Aida cloth. You get the effect of handstitching with the texture of the cloth. I think it would be better with 18 or 24 count cloth but all I had was 14.
pineapple rug,
t-shirt transfer
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The kitchen is finished...well mostly

The handles on the refrigerator are the clips from a couple of Sharpie markers. I carved the handles for the stove. I also added bead knobs. The color of the appliances is more cream than white but it's hard to tell in the photo. I just didn't want bright white. The trash can to the right of the stove was made by my friend, Brenda. It is amazingly detailed. There's a banana peel, an apple core, fish bones, and some snack food packages. Brenda also made the bananas on the hanger, the apple cookie jar and the clock. Judy made the spice rack and the salt and pepper shakers on the table. Sandy (Copeland) made the large pepper mill on the stove. The cookbooks were made by Grace (Treefeathers). Gaye (My Small Obsession) made the enamel ware in the cupboard and on the table. The tablecloth and napkins were made by Joan. There's a matching apron that I will probably put on the doll I make for this house. The pineapple dishes were all made by Katie. I won them in one of her contests.
It's all coming together really well. The kitchen swap items add so much to this room and everything was in the right colors and so many items were fruit themed.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A new wine rack
I was never really happy with the looks of my first attempt at a wine rack. I looked at my real sized one a bit more closely and this is the result. It's made with four beads and two U-shaped pieces of wire. I painted the finished assembly antique copper and then brushed a leaf green glaze over that.

Range hood
I can't get motivated to make the stove and refrigerator but I did make a range hood. I used the plastic hood that came with the kit, some styrofoam, and spackle tinted with paint. I cut up some of the border into tiles. I've also used border tiles as a back splash for the sink and I plan to do the same behind the range.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Surgery went well
My father in law came through surgery with no complications. They gave him several units of blood before the surgery and he's much stronger than he's been in quite some time. The abdominal bleeding has not been stopped yet but the plan is to figure that one out early in the week. He's one tough old dude. :0)
Thank you all for your good wishes, prayers and expressions of concern. I am so thankful for all of you.
Thank you all for your good wishes, prayers and expressions of concern. I am so thankful for all of you.
Friday, May 22, 2009
We've had some bad news
Don't worry if I don't post much for the next several days. My father in law fell last night and broke his hip. He is 88 and very fragile and the doctors aren't sure if he'll make it through the necessary surgery. He has overcome many things in the past several years that a lesser man would not have survived, including running over himself with a tractor. He's been as much a father as my own was and it is very difficult to see him so weak and frail.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
An award after another long day of moving

I'm awarding this to all of my blogging friends. I so enjoy reading and following your blogs and I've learned so much. Thank you all!
My husband is doing better. He's going to work tomorrow and he helped with moving our daughter home from college today. I really think he should stay home tomorrow but I don't think that will happen. Yesterday my brother helped me move our oldest daughter back home. The house still looks somewhat like a war zone but it's improving.
I hope to have some time for minis tomorrow. I need it to save what's left of my sanity. It has been a very long week. Maybe I'll have some pictures tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I made a couple of minis after all!
This wine rack is an experiment. I'm not sure if it is gonna be the final one but it isn't a bad first try. :-)
The bathroom is now finished, I think. Today I added the soap dish by the sink, the hamper under the window and the red shelf to the right of the window. The hamper is just a film canister that's been cut down a bit shorter and then wrapped with jewelry cording to look like wicker. The shelf is the shelf that comes with the Real Life Miniatures kitchen kit. I had to make it narrower to fit the space but it works well for holding all of those bathroom essentials. I still have room to add more later, too.

Three new followers!

Please help me welcome George(, Ara ( and Kim ( Stop by their blogs and say hi!
Long day...
I had some medical tests this morning and then I had to take my hubby back to see the doctor. My husband gets to spend the night in the hospital having fluids pumped back in and possibly some tests run. We also have to move both daughters home for the summer, one tomorrow and the other on Thursday. I may not be around much but will post again when life calms down again.
Monday, May 18, 2009
It worked!

I was able to make my modifications to the upper cabinets work. The small cabinet over the sink was supposed to go over the stove at the far end of the cabinets - my stove won't fit there and I like this layout since I don't have a window over the sink. I also left off all of the doors and added glass shelves to the inside of the larger cabinets. That gives me more display room and also gives the cupboards a more contemporary look.
I got the stair surround finished, too. The glue hasn't dried in the photo but you get the general idea. :0)
The final photo is of the living room art. My hubby just celebrated 20 years with his employer and he got a couple of catalogs from which to choose his recognition gift (he chose new golf clubs, btw). One of the catalogs was of artwork, copies of several modern artists in perfectly scaled little prints. I framed a few, painted some brush strokes on with Mod Podge and they look like the owner/artist framed some of her own works for the wall. Oh, and the frames are Dollar Tree plastic stickers that come in three metallic shades. I rubbed some black paint over them to tone the metal color down a bit.
A busy morning...and no minis yet!
I had forgotten how much you can accomplish when you start your day early. I've been staying up way too late and then sleeping in but today the dog was howling outside at 6:30 am and I decided to just stay up. So far, I've done a load of laundry, sanitized the downstairs bathroom, dropped some things off at the high school, mailed a package at the post office, filled in some holes in the yard that the dog dug and painted my finger and toe nails. Now I'm eating lunch. I'll be able to spend guilt free time on the dollhouse this afternoon, lol. I'd have worked on it anyway but at least this way I feel more productive.
I have some ideas for altering the upper cabinets. I'll post photos later if it works. Off to the work room soon!
I have some ideas for altering the upper cabinets. I'll post photos later if it works. Off to the work room soon!
Base cabinet is finished!

The kitchen is starting to look like a kitchen now. The base cabinet is finished and I couldn't resist accessorizing for the photo. There are a lot of gifts from some very talented friends on display.
I made the "stone" countertop with scrapbook paper and Mod Podge (what did the world do before Mod Podge?). I used a silver paint pen to make my sink "stainless steel" and I had to repaint the faucet, too. It had discolored over the years. Parts of this kitchen kit are going to be very challenging because pieces have fallen out of their numbered wood sheets and are lying loose in the box. Took me forever just to find one cabinet door today. There's also some warping which adds to the challenge but what is life without challenges?!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Mini curtains

Now that the outside of the house is pretty much finished, I can spend some more time on the really fun stuff - the decorating. As I work on this house I am getting an idea for who the owner is. I think she's a single lady, in her late twenties, who loves frilly feminine things but is not afraid to work for them. She's done most of the remodelling work on her house and has restored many of the furniture pieces.

The bathroom now has a lace trimmed Roman shade, towel bars, and toilet paper holder. There are still plenty more things that can go in here but it's a start.
The bedroom has pretty billowy white
curtains with a ruffled valance and the nightstand has an embroidered doily.

I really like the kitchen curtains. (Thanks for another great tutorial, Casey.) They match the upholstered chairs. The curtains are not crooked, btw. Unfortunately, the border slopes upward a bit on the left. I made a few adjustments to the pleats after I took the picture and it doesn't look quite so obvious now.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The exterior is complete...I think

Oh, the "I think" above is referring to the fact that I don't know if I will leave the foundation looking like concrete or if I'm going to decide it has to be bricked like the steps. For now, it will stay concrete. I really want to get started on the kitchen cabinets.

Friday, May 15, 2009
The finished steps and front door
So here's what I did with the steps

stained glass,
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I need a couple of opinions

There was enough of the exterior trim left over to use as baseboard, too, with some to spare. I haven't put any in the kitchen yet - not until I get the cabinets assembled and installed.
Windows in and exterior started

The exterior is painted a creamy yellow with sand mixed into the paint to give it a nice texture. I'm obviously not yet finished with the exterior beams but I'm making progress. I just need one more on the lower part of each end and then I'll finish the front steps before putting the front trim on. I'm hoping to have enough of the wood left over to use for baseboards, at least on the lower level.
One of today's projects has got to be to finish the bedroom floor. I think I'll look through my wallpaper samples again. Maybe I can make a carpet sized tissue rug...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I've been tagged
I was tagged by Deborah at I was also tagged by Tessie (she got to the computer last night, lol) at
So this is how tag works:
1. Name and link back to the person who tagged you.
See above. Be sure to visit Deborah's blog. She has some really interesting and fun clay creations. Plus she spotlights various artists.
2.List 6 unimportant things that make you happy. That's harder - if it makes me happy is it really unimportant? Chocolate, my morning cup of tea, the smell of lilacs, sunshine, the color green, walking through autumn leaves and hearing them crunch
3. Tag 6 bloggers and let them know by leaving a comment on their blogs. Off to go tag some friends. Note: If I tag you and you don't want to participate, I won't be upset. I understand that we all have busy lives and you might not have time for this. :-)
So this is how tag works:
1. Name and link back to the person who tagged you.
See above. Be sure to visit Deborah's blog. She has some really interesting and fun clay creations. Plus she spotlights various artists.
2.List 6 unimportant things that make you happy. That's harder - if it makes me happy is it really unimportant? Chocolate, my morning cup of tea, the smell of lilacs, sunshine, the color green, walking through autumn leaves and hearing them crunch
3. Tag 6 bloggers and let them know by leaving a comment on their blogs. Off to go tag some friends. Note: If I tag you and you don't want to participate, I won't be upset. I understand that we all have busy lives and you might not have time for this. :-)
I was up way too late (early?) working on this...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Got some more done today
My friends from Small World tease me about how quickly I work when I start a new project. I get a bit single minded once I start something and can't wait to get it all finished. I made a lot of progress on the Brookfield today. I'm not bashing the kit at all so it's going very quickly.
I really need to decide what I am doing with the exterior. I have some ideas but I'm just not sure yet.
I love the living room! I need to build the staircase and trim the windows, etc. but it's coming along very nicely.
I think there's enough room in the kitchen for the cabinets along the left wall, the appliances on the right wall and the dining table in front of the windows. I haven't decided if I'm leaving the walls as they are right now or if I want to stipple some darker and lighter shades of olive over the top of the paper.
I think the bedroom is very elegant. I'm going to use the dresser from Brenda and pretend the owner of the house set up her still life there for painting. I plan to use the bed kit that came with the house. I'll stain it to match Brenda's dresser and dress it up somehow. I'm still thinking about what to do with this floor, too. The wood has a fairly deep gouge that goes the whole length of it so I don't want to just paint or stain it.

gift from Brenda,
living room
More progress on the house
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