I started a new doll today. It's another older gentleman. It's fun to add wrinkles and laugh lines and other signs of a full life. I used Sculpey III for this doll and I really don't recommend that. Original Sculpey is much better for sculpting. I had the most trouble with his hands. The clay was so soft that I kept smashing his fingers together. I had to do his left hand a couple of times. The shoes are more detailed than what shows in the photo. I'm going to add thread shoelaces. Next step is making his body. More pics to follow...
Put your SculpeyIII in the freezer for a while after you mix your colors. It's a trick I learned from a professional dollmaker.
Can't wait to see him when he's done!
Thank you for the tip!
Wow, Deana, your progress is amazing! That face is fantastic!
Thank you, Grace!
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