I received this award from Doreen at http://doreensminiatures.blogspot.com/. Thank you Doreen!
I'm supposed to list 5 addictions.
1. Miniatures
2. Chocolate
3. Family/friends
4. Reading
5. Blogging
And I'm supposed to pass it on to 5 blogs that I admire.
1. Brenda at http://brendasminiatures.blogspot.com/
2. Gaye at http://creatingdollhouseminiatures.blogspot.com/
3. Grace at http://blog.treefeathers.com/
4. Casey at http://caseymini.blogspot.com/
5. Debbie at http://debbiestinytreasures.blogspot.com/
Congratulations, De! You deserve it! You always have something interesting and new for us to see.
Thank you for passing it on to me. I am so happy to receive my first award from you!
Thank you for the award..
Mini Hugs
Thank you, De =) I'm happy that you are blogging about your minis and sharing your creativity with us!
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