Monday, September 6, 2010

A place for everything and everything in its place

Rose likes to keep the saloon as tidy as possible with all of those men hanging around. She couldn't have the cue sticks just leaning against the wall when not in use. So I gathered up some of the scraps from the dollhouse kit and some other miscellaneous wood scraps and made a cue stand and several more cue sticks. The billiard room was looking pretty empty and that fills some of the wall space. I'll be hanging some photos in here and I'm looking for a dart board graphic that's not a modern dartboard. Not much luck so far but I'm sure I'll find something appropriate.

1 comment:

Lainie said...

I hope these two pages will help you, but if you type in "The history of darts" in your search bar, you will get a lot of information.